Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pogroms against Christians in Egypt, Mohammed Badie's Prayer Bump, Waiting for Muslims to Condemn this Slaughter, Waiting for Christian Leaders to Lead

Reports: A Christian cab driver was surrounded and killed in Alexandria Egypt.
His crime? He displayed a cross on his dashboard. 
Mohammed Badie's prayer bump, and his swords. Source
Muslims are carrying out anti-Christian pogroms in Egypt. They are burning churches and terrorizing, humiliating, and killing Christians. Christians have lived in Egypt for two thousand years, six hundred years longer than Muslims.

According to reports, Muslims in Alexandria, Egypt, surrounded the taxi of a Christian driver because he displayed a cross on his dashboard. They killed him.

I am waiting for American and other Western Muslims to take effective steps against these pogroms. Prominent American Muslims could and should condemn this behavior, and contribute to stopping it.

If anyone knows of such condemnation, please inform me.

I would like my own Muslim friends to at least express sorrow.

So far that has not happened.

When I brought this up to one Muslim Palestinian friend, who now lives in Paterson, NJ, she let loose a tirade, citing conspiracy theories proving that Jews and Christians are responsible for all the problems in the Muslim world, and they deserve what they get. Muslims are innocent, blameless, she insisted. Mossad is responsible for 9-11.

I am waiting for my own Catholic and Christian leaders to take a stand, to guide me in my desire to support my Christian brothers and sisters. I hear nothing. Catholic leaders, what are you doing?

The leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has the comically appropriate name of Mohammed Badie. Yes, that's right. Mohammed Badie.

Badie has a zabiba, or Muslim prayer bump, on his forehead. The zabiba is meant to come from pious prayer. Muslims hit their heads on the ground when they pray their five daily prayers.

Muslims are instructed to pray five times a day. Their five times a day daily prayer inculcates negativity toward Christians and Jews. Muslims pray not to be like the Jews, who anger God, or like Christians, who go astray.

There is a connection between the bump on Mohammed Badie's forehead, the prayers that he prays, and the pogroms against Christians occurring now in Egypt.

Further information here.


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